Hearing loss : Hearing loss happens when there is a problem with one or more parts of the ear or ears . Someone who has hearing loss might be able to hear some sounds or nothing at all. People also may use the words deaf, deafness, or hard of hearing when they're talking about hearing loss.
Hearing Aids, Technology & Types
A hearing aid is a highly sophisticated communication device. There are many different types of hearing aids, just as there are many forms of hearing loss but they share five basic components. All of them work on amplifying sounds to enhance particular hearing range problems.
The design can vary but the overall effect is to empower you to live your life to the very fullest.
Behind The Ear Hearing Aid Models : if you have a severe hearing loss or if you have very small ear canals
In The Ear Hearing Aid Models : if you have a mild to severe hearing loss. The ITE model is placed in the ear canal, but with the faceplate still visible in the concha of your ear.
Completely Inside The Canal Hearing Aids [CIC] : The CIC is the smallest model in hearing aids and is especially suitable if you have a mild to moderate hearing loss. It is a custom made shell.
Receiver Inside The Ear Hearing Aid Model
The receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) model is a newer development in hearing aids and is suitable for mild to severe hearing loss. the receiver of the RITE (the loudspeaker) is placed in the ear-tip instead of in the housing.
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